What do boys search the most in Google, everyone was surprised to knowing the reports.

Farhan - Google is such an ocean of the Internet world, where we all search every little thing related to knowledge, science and work. No matter why any information is needed, once we all definitely ask for its answer from Google Guru. But have you ever thought, what would be the most asked question to Google Guru after all? Today we will know what boys search most on Google.
Looking at the behavior of the people
searching from time to time, Google releases search reports, in one such report, Google has revealed what most boys search in Google.
Most questions about your masculinity--
It has been claimed in Google search reports that most boys ask Google whether they are impotent or not. This question has been given the first place in the reports. According to the reports, every year 780000 men only search whether they are impotent or not.

Confused about beard--
The second most question asked by boys on Google is about their beard. Most of the boys asked whether shaving gives beard or not….So many asked how to make beard thick.

Always worried about hair--
Boys have done the most search on Google about their hair at number three. He has asked the most question whether wearing a cap or making a pony tail will have a good effect or bad on the hair.

Emphasis on body building--
According to Google search reports, boys search for body building workouts to impress girls at number four on Google. Along with this, you are also interested to know about the protein shake used in building the body.

They are afraid of breast cancer--
You may be surprised to know this. But at number five, breast cancer is among the things most searched by boys. Although it occurs mostly in women. But boys have searched the most whether they have a chance of getting breast cancer or not. And if so, what is the percentage?

Lack of awareness about periods--
According to the reports of Google Search Behavior, at number seven, most Indian boys search about periods. And try to gather all the information about what are periods.

want to impress girls easily--
According to Google Search Behavior Reports, boys at number eight in Google search for how to impress girls easily. What they like and don't like, what they like, what bad boys are all searching for. Along with this, many boys also search what girls do after marriage.


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