hair fall- These 7 reasons cause hair fall and baldness

Everyone is troubled by the problem of hair fall and baldness.  While in some people this problem is genetic, there are other reasons for it as well.  Whether it is a woman or a man, everyone is looking for ways to stop hair fall nowadays, but do you know what are the other reasons for hair loss?  After all, due to the lack of what causes hair fall?
Hair falls due to these reasons and hair loss happens
Apart from genetic reasons, stress and stress also cause hair fall.  In a fast and fast-paced life, people do not spend as much time in paying attention to themselves as they spend in tension and stress and this directly affects their hair besides their health.  For the growth of hair, they need the necessary nutrition which they do not get and because of this they start falling after some time.
Certain vitamins are needed to prevent hair growth and loss.  These vitamins are A, B, C, D, E, B complex, iodine, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, silicon and potassium.  Due to their deficiency in the body, there is a lot of damage to the hair and hair fall starts.
While Vitamin A makes hair long, thick and soft, Vitamin D makes hair thick, healthy and long.  Similarly, B complex prevents premature graying and loss of hair.  As soon as there is a deficiency of these vitamins in the body, the direct effect is visible on the hair besides health.
Many people use a lot of color on their hair.  By doing this the hair becomes weak and they start falling.

Use of hair dryer to dry wet hair, use of other tools for hair make them very weak.  Avoid them.
Fungal infections and dandruff are also the causes of hair fall.  Be it the rainy season or winter or summer, fungal infection can happen anytime.  Due to excessive sweating in the hair, the hair becomes sticky due to which people usually shampoo daily which is harmful.  In the same way, the hair gets wet during the rainy season, it also damages the hair.
Hormone changes are another reason for hair loss. Be it pregnancy or childbirth or puberty. In these phases, there are many changes, ups and downs in our body, due to which hair fall occurs.
If you are not getting enough sleep or you are not able to sleep properly, then be careful because this will cause your hair to fall fast. According to many reports, insomnia and sleep-related diseases occur due to lack of sleep, which directly affects the hair.Click here and know the mysterious method of hair fall.

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