Determination of the neutralization reaction temperature between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Name of the experiment - Determination of the neutralization reaction temperature between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Requirements - Beaker, stirrer, thermometer, measuring cylinder, wooden box, tripod sodium hydroxide (0.10M), hydrochloric acid (0.10M) and distilled water.

Principle - The amount of heat liberated in a dilute aqueous solution of 1 gram of equivalent acid to be completely neutralized by 1 gram equivalent base is called heat of neutralization.
Process- (i) 50 ml. (0.10M) hydrochloric acid is taken in a beaker and kept in a wooden box and its temperature is recorded.

(ii) 50 min. Took. Take 0.10M (NaOH) sodium hydroxide solution in a beaker and raise its temperature. Now NaOH is slowly added to HCl and then after mixing both, mark its temperature.

Volume of sodium hydroxide solution =?
Volume of hydrochloric acid solution =? Temperature of sodium hydroxide solution=?

What is the temperature of hydrochloric acid=?

Calculation- of temperature minus mass x specific gravity x temperature event or rise.

Precautions- (1) The vessel should be neat and clean.
 (ii) Great care should be taken in the reaction with acids and bases. 
 (iii) The time period should be calculated accurately.

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