Preparation of ferric hydroxide solution.

Name of the experiment - Preparation of ferric hydroxide solution.

Equipment and chemicals - Ferric chloride, beaker, burner, stand, mirror, rod, pestle, filter paper and tripod etc.

Theory- Ferric hydroxide is a lyophobic substance. It is usually prepared by hydrolysis of ferric chloride.

     FeCl3 + 3H2O → Fe (OH)2 + 3HCl

Process Take 200 ml of distilled water in a 500 ml beaker and heat it. When the water starts boiling, the freshly prepared FeCl3 solution is added drop by drop. Then a dark fluffy red colored ferric hydroxide sol is formed, which is cooled and separated.
Cleaning by steaming out process.

Precautions - (i) FeCl2 solution should be added drop by drop in boiling water. 
(ii) HCl should be completely separated from ferric hydroxide.


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