How to loss weight in 15 days of naturally - in 2022

Can I lose weight in 15 days?  Yes, of course, how?  For that you should follow this diet prescribed by the expert.
Whenever we women think of doing some kind of exercise to lose weight, then it seems that exercise is done in the midst of so much work. We housewives, who are busy with household chores throughout the day, do not get time for themselves anyway.

Even if we agree to exercise, we simply move our hands and feet, but that alone is not enough. Along with exercising regularly, it is also very important to eat good and healthy food. Weight loss or weight loss follows the 70/30 rule. For rapid weight loss, not only workouts should be done, but 70 percent healthy diet should be consumed. A well-balanced diet can have a big impact on your weight loss journey.

When you focus on the 70/30 approach to weight loss, you may not lose weight or be successful. For this also it is important that you know what and in what amount the meal is coming in your plate. The right diet along with the right portions can make you lose weight fast.

Nutritionist recommends eating a healthy diet over weight loss, because when you take nutrient-rich foods, the weight will automatically come off. By consuming high protein and fiber rich foods in your diet, you feel energized and full for the whole day, so that you do not have any kind of cravings. Such a meal plan will not only help you lose weight, but also provide healthy nutrients to your body.

between 6-7 am
You should start the morning with detox water. Drinking this water flushes out all the toxins from your body. Drinking water of ajwain or fenugreek in the morning also keeps the digestive system strong. You can soak ajwain in water overnight and filter it and drink it in the morning. Similarly, fenugreek water can also be drunk. Drinking it will help a lot in weight loss and it can be very beneficial for you in the problem of bloating and acidity.

After half an hour - soaked almonds 
between 7:30-8 pm
When you drink detox water, half an hour after that you have to eat 4 soaked almonds. Soaking them in milk or water at night and consuming it after drinking water in the morning helps in controlling the level of cholesterol.
between 8:30 am
You can have 2 idlis or 2 plain wheat vegetable cheela with lentils and chutney for breakfast. Apart from this, have 1 orange or seasonal fruit with vegetable stuffed sandwich for breakfast every other day. Include vegetables like peas, beans, spinach, broccoli etc. in breakfast. These high-protein diet vegetables repair and repair your muscles. Along with this, along with controlling appetite, it helps the body to remain energetic for the whole day. If you change breakfast on alternate day and eat it, then there will be no boredom in here to know more

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