Mononucleosis Symptoms: Kissing can cause mononucleosis, know its symptoms

What is Mono: Kissing is likely to cause a disease called mononucleosis, due to which there may be problems like sore throat, pain.  Let us know about this problem in detail-
Mononucleosis: People kiss to express their love.  Kissing is considered good in many ways, but do you know that it also spreads disease.  Yes, kissing causes a disease called mononucleosis.  This problem is caused by the Epstein Barr virus.  Often this disease is seen more in teenagers or adults.  At the same time, symptoms of mononucleosis are seen less in young children.  It can be quite fatal for adults.

How does this disease spread.

Mononucleosis is usually spread through contact with saliva. Apart from kissing, it can spread due to sharing of food in the same plate, food in dirty utensils etc. Apart from this, mononucleosis disease can also be spread due to coughing, sneezing.

 What is mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis is a viral infection. This disease is mostly seen in adults and children. It is also called kissing disease by many people, because this disease spreads due to contact with saliva.
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What is mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis is a viral infection. This disease is mostly seen in adults and children. It is also called kissing disease by many people, because this disease spreads due to contact with saliva.

 This disease can cause fever, sore throat and cough. It may take about 2 to 3 weeks for this infection to get out of the body.

What are the symptoms of mononucleosis in children?

• Having a flu problem

 • Cough trouble

 • mild fever

 • Feeling pain in the body

 • Feeling weak

 • Severe sore throat

 Symptoms of mononucleosis in adults

 • High fever with headache

 • Having problems with dehydration

 • body rash

 • Cold trouble

 • sore throat

 • There is a lot of pain in the body.

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