Study of various emulsifiers that stabilize emulsions.

Name of the experiment - Study of various emulsifiers that stabilize emulsions.

Requirements - Bottle with four lids, measuring cylinder, stop watch, coconut oil, kerosene oil, benzene, soap solution etc.

Principle: An emulsion is a colloidal solution. Both the dispersion phase or the dispersion medium are insoluble in liquid. It is of two types on the basis of solubility.
Role of  emulsifier in stabilization of an emulsion.

 (i) Water emulsion in oil
 (ii) Oil emulsion in water.

Soaps are used in emulsification. , Some important substances like gelatin and albumin

Process-5 ml in each of the four bottles respectively. Took. coconut oil and 1 ml. Took. Soap solution, kerosene oil and albumin in the second, benzene 5 ml in the third. Took. And add gelatin. Now close the lid one by one and shake the bottle, then two levels are formed. Now the total time taken to build the level is marked with the stop clock.

coconut oil  kerosene oil   benzene

Precautions - (i) The vessel should be clean.
(ii) The amount of soap, albumin and gelatin should be equal.
(iii) The exact time of separation should be indicated.

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