If you want to look young and slim then follow these 5 tips

Most of the people worry that after the age of 40, the body starts looking too old. In such times, keep in mind these 5 important tips for fitness.

Most of the people consider the age of 40 as old age and their same mistake makes them appear old before their age. Men's stomach comes out, women's hairline starts decreasing, they start seeing problems like joint pain, stomach problems, bone problems, obesity. It has always been seen that people stop working hard on themselves after the age of 40, but this is not true. In this way you start looking 10 years older than your age.
After the age of 40, both your health and fitness should be taken care of and some fitness tips can be followed for this. During this, the most important thing is physical fitness and immunity from diseases. Your skin is not as bad as it seems due to deteriorating health condition and not paying attention to fitness.
We spoke to Lakshita Jain, a certified clinical dietician, lecturer, diabetes educator, meat technologist and founder of NUTR, about this topic. Lakshita Jain has been a part of many research related to diet and at the same time she keeps on giving constant information on the diseases of the body and the requirements of the diet related to them. Lakshita ji says that if your stomach remains detox then it will affect all types of fitness. 

He told us about several tips that can help.

1. Being hungry will not reduce weight- 
You have to keep in mind that it is not necessary to be hungry for fitness and at this age it is very important that you give your body the right kind of nutrition. If you stop eating and drinking for weight loss or due to a busy schedule, then the problem increases and you always feel tired. Your stamina will never be built like this and you will feel bad.
For fitness, it is important that you make the right kind of diet routine. Along with this, do not forget to drink water. Hydration is so important to the body that if your body is not properly hydrated then it can create a lot from wrinkles on the skin to kidney and liver problems.
2. Make a rule of 30 minutes exercise-
You have to exercise for 30 minutes every day, no matter what kind of exercise it is. Never skip it. If you do not pay attention to your physical fitness, then it will affect your entire routine. Belly fat increases a lot at this age and due to this your fitness also gets affected. It is not necessary that you sweat in the gym for many hours, doing yoga at home, exercising for physical fitness, walking, cycling etc. can prove to be very helpful.

3. Healthy Detox Routine for Stomach- Lakshita ji has told us very effective desi routines to detox the stomach. 

1.Drink 1 glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice (empty stomach) 

2.Drink wheatgrass juice and barley seed powder mixed together. Apart from this, you should also include ginger and lemon in your diet. 

3.Drink lemon juice and ginger mixed with water on an empty stomach. 

4.Drink 100 ml of coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric and black pepper.

5.Mix a little celery in water and a pinch of salt in water and eat it once a day after meals.
4. Include seeds and nuts in the diet-
After the age of 40, there is a lack of nutrition in the body and at such times it is important that you definitely include seeds and nuts in your diet. Include pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, hazel nuts, etc. in your diet. Even if there is a lot of laziness, to meet the fiber and other needs of the body, take soaked chia seeds in the morning on an empty stomach.
Just soak 1 teaspoon of chia seeds the night before and drink them with water after waking up in the morning. This can prove to be very beneficial for you.
5. Take care of vitamin-D level- If the vitamin-
D level is low, then fatigue, bone problems, hair loss, swelling in the abdomen and extremities, problems with bloating, other health-related problems keep happening. In such a situation, if you do not pay attention to the vitamin-D level of your body, then the age will also start to increase. You should talk to the doctor about this because vitamin-D deficiency occurs in almost everyone nowadays. One must definitely sit in the morning sun and pay attention to supplements only if necessary.
These five tips are very important for your weight loss, skin care and health which will focus on overall fitness. This will not do magic and it will take some time to see the effect immediately, but if you pay attention to it little by little, then gradually you will move towards your fitness goal. If you liked this story, then do share it. Stay connected with Harzindagi to read more such stories.

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