Turn Photos & Pictures Into ActualNFTs On The Blockchain

Are you ready to discover the first to market groundbreaking app with proprietary PNT technology, which allows you to turn photos taken with your phone and pictures created by any NFT generator app into actual NFTs on the blockchain?

If so, I will not only show you a 100% turnkey solution which does it, but I will also tell you how to overcome the #1 problem NFT creators have with the initial collection sales on OpenSea.

PNT Technology Does All The Heavy Lifting

And because PNT technology does all the heavy lifting, all you would need to do is fill in some basic info, click a few buttons, and have NFTs on the blockchain ready to mint.

PLUS - To do all this, you do not need any prior NFT or tech experience at all

Contrary To What Others May Tell You, Photos & Pictures By Themselves Are Not NFTs Quite Yet.

I want you to realize that contrary to what many so-called NFT generators' sale pages tell you, the pictures they generate are not actually NFTs.

These are just pictures, just like photos on your phone, that could be used as NFTs but they are not NFTs quite yet.

Do Not Just Upload Pictures to OpenSea & Call It A Day Unless You Are An Popular Influencer

If you already tried initial sales of a collection by just uploading to OpenSea, let me ask you a question: did you sell any?

Outside of already popular influencers and their friends, literally none of the people I talked with sold anything after just uploading the pictures to OpenSea.

Don't take me wrong.

                  purchase know

OpenSea Is A Fantastic Platform For Secondary Sales But It Is Too Crowded For Initial Sales.

OpenSea is a fantastic platform for secondary sales which can bring you great royalties, but unfortunately because it is so crowded right now, there is little chance for the new collection to make successful initial sales there.

It looks like a chicken / egg problem where you need to have a sold out collection for people to be interested in trading your NFTs on OpenSea, but selling out newly created collections is almost impossible on OpenSea unless you are already established, have a large following or have major lottery winner luck.

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